3rd Party CBD Product Test Results
Our entire Tincture Line is USDA Certified Organic!

Below you’ll find our product Test Results from the most reputable, experienced and trusted Cannabis Analytics Laboratory.
Although we have our own in-house analysis equipment, which we use to test our flower, oil, and products. We still always have our products regularly tested by a reputable and trusted outside 3rd party Lab. This guarantees that you’re getting exactly what you pay for.
With Vermont Pure CBD, as our fundamental belief and commitment to serving our customers with complete transparency, you always get more than you pay for. All our products contain more CBD than stated on the label 🙂
Want to know how to interpret our CBD Test Results?
Let’s take a stroll through one of our products below. Hmm, how about that jar of 250 mg. CBD Honey.
When you click on an image, that particular products Cannabinoid Analytical Test results open in a new window. The heading of the page designates the attributes of the lab and the product/manufacturer.
Below that, you’ll see 3 columns in a pretty rainbow of colors.
– The “ID” column designates the specific cannabinoid.
– The “Weight %” column specifies the percentage of that particular cannabinoid that is in the product.
– The third column “Concentration (mg/g)” tells us how many milligrams of that particular cannabonoid is in one gram of the product.
Now, lets math it out and see how much CBD is in a jar of our 250mg. CBD Honey. We know that the contents of a Jar of our Honey weighs 175 grams (stated on the front of our product label). The third column of the Honeys test results report shows that there is 1.53 milligrams of CBD in every gram of our Honey. So if each gram of our Honey contains 1.53 milligrams of CBD and there’s 175 grams of Honey in a jar, that means there is a total of 267 milligrams of CBD in each jar – 175 x 1.53 = 267
If we look at our 150mg. Salve Stick (bottom left corner), we can see that each gram of product contains 8.87 milligrams of CBD, and there is a total of 18 grams (0.62 oz) of product in the container. Thus, 18 x 8.87 = 159 milligrams CBD.
The 300mg. Tincture (top left corner), we can see that each gram of product contains 11.4 milligrams of CBD shown by the test results, and there is a total of 30 grams of liquid in the bottle. Therefore, 30 x 11.4 = 342 milligrams CBD.
In addition to CBD there is also a few grams of CBDV, CBC, CBG, THC, etc, not to mention the terpenoids shown on page 2 of the analytics report. If you look at the Total Cannabinoids on our Tincture test report (bottom of the third column in black text) – is reads 15.57 milligrams. Thus there is actually – 30 x 15.57 = 467 milligrams of total cannabinoids in our 300 milligram tincture (336 of which are CBD). Along with the terpenes and another 100 milligrams of lipids, flavenoids, antioxidants, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, simple and fatty acids is what makes our products a TRUE Full-Spectrum CBD Product and facilitates the entourage/synergistic effect.
When we say we’re True Full Spectrum, we Truly mean it!
You’re not going to get this from any Isolate, PCR, or “Broad-Spectrum” bulls**t based product, and probably not from the majority of Full Spectrum claiming companies out there. All of us here at Vermont Pure CBD use our products daily ourselves and we will never settle for less than the best, why should you.
Please click on an image below to view our products recent 3rd party test results