Welcome to our CBD – QA page:
Below you’ll find our replies to unique and specific CBD related questions we’ve been asked by our customers over the years, via. email.
For more general CBD information please check our FAQ and Catalog pages
All of our information is completely unbiased and simply fact based. Both our personal observations and thousands of our customer reports/feedback, along with books and medical/scientific journal publications provide us the most authentic information that we are proud to share with you and the community to better our well-being. We pride ourselves on honesty and transparency, that’s the Vermont Pure CBD promise.
If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to help you with more information as best we can!
Phone: 802-897-4477
Email: admin@vermontpurecbd.com
“Broadly speaking, there isn’t any significant difference (if any) between strains when it comes down to a CBD product (made from CBD oil). But this also comes with a few caveats. There will certainly be a difference with the type of CBD used in the product (such as Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, CBD Isolate). Here’s a link to a blog article I wrote about it:
With CBD flower/bud, there is a greater chance of varying effects as the more subtle effects (such as tiredness, more energy, red eyes, cotton mouth, etc.) are not only governed by the cannabinoid profile of the product, but also the terpene profile which has significant attribution to a users effects felt. With smoking the flower, strain differences are much more pronounced, presumably to the greater bio-absorption through the smoking route and the body’s way of metabolizing the cannabis compounds through the lungs and directly entering the bloodstream.
With a CBD Oil product (or even THC) taken orally and absorbed under the tongue or stomach, the cannabis compounds take a longer, indirect route to be metabolized by the body, and the CBD has a more “general” effect.
Back in 2018 we grew a few strains with different characteristics, and I made the same products using each strain to try and differentiate notable differences in effect, but there was really nothing. Which I was a little disappointed about, because it would be great to know and have a more “target-able” product for a particular ailment. I see a lot of companies that state they have different CBD products for different uses/ailments, but I’m highly skeptical about the claims, speaking as a scientist (particularly with plants and chemistry), I think it’s just a psychological marketing gimmick. Sometimes though they may add melatonin to a product and call it “sleep enhancing”, so at least they’re trying to stand behind the claim.
Also to be noted, each person experiences CBD or THC a little differently. I for instance am super hypersensitive, so my CBD doses are on the low side compared to many other users, otherwise I get wicked cotton mouth.
One final note, I have heard people tell me about “mixed” CBD products such as CBD/CBN or CBD/CBG blends that can have different effects (allegedly CBG gives more “energy”, that’s what one grower told me a few years ago when they did the first pilot grow of CBG before it was released to the market). I don’t have any personal experience using them so I can’t really attest to it, but I think it’s very plausible. One person said they can only fall asleep using a CBD/CBN blend tincture, and regular CBD doesn’t work that well for them, sleep wise.”
“CBD dominant flower doesn’t get you high like marijuana does, however it does have all the other cannabinoids and terpenes that marijunana has, just not the high THC levels. So some of the other plant compounds that help contribute to the “high” feeling are still present, however they’re not going to be riding on the back of THC, which is the main contributor to being high, because the THC is very very low.
Every user may experience it a little differently, but it generally should provide a relaxing effect (depending on how much one smokes) but not get you stoned.”
“We don’t have any kitty treats, but a lot of people simply put the CBD Tincture right on their pets food directly. That could be worth a shot. I honestly don’t know if it’ll “overpower” the feral-ness, but it could be worth a shot.”
I prefer to take something without the THC but I understand this is only 0.3.
“The 0.3% THC thing is just the legal standard/threshold which differentiates if a cannabis plant/product is classified as federally legal Hemp (below 0.3% THC) or if it’s federally illegal Marijuana (anything above 0.3% THC). There was a Canadian research paper from about 15 years ago, and in it they chose 0.3% THC as the cutoff line if the cannabis got someone high or not. It’s highly inaccurate (there are many other factors at play), however they had to choose a number for the purpose of the article and it’s what they chose. However, since it was the only credible source of information at the time (since it was a published journal article), when the USDA legalized Hemp in the US in the 2014 Farm Bill, they adopted this 0.3% threshold for plants & products. As arbitrary as it may be, it’s pretty much the standard now. There are people and organizations trying to lobby it up to 1%, which would probably be more accurate, but only time will tell if it ever gets amended. In most other countries where CBD is legal, the cutoff is 0.2% such as in Canada and Europe. Here’s a slightly outdated but still accurate list of CBD legalities in other countries:
Since we only produce Full Spectrum CBD Oil (as it’s been proven to be most effective), we do have a very minor amount of THC. With CBD Isolate based products (which are the dominant portion of products on the market), it is removed by using harsh chemicals, and makes a less effective and inferior product.
We have a ton of information on our catalog page about CBD and our products in particular, completely unbiased and derived from credible books, relevant research journal articles and most importantly feedback from our customers over the last 5 years, which is the most reliable information out there because the proof is in the pudding as they say.
https://vermontpurecbd.com/catalog/ “
“Fortunately they don’t. Our vegetarian capsules are manufactured by K-CAPS, a company who is a subsidiary of the Australian conglomerate – Lyfe Group.
The K-CAPS Vegetarian Capsules contain no preservatives, gelatin, wheat, gluten or animal by-products.
To ensure complete safety, all our empty capsules are Kosher Pareve and Halal certified, and made in a cGMP and FDA-approved facility.The vegetarian capsules are 100% plant-derived. Using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC (plant cellulose)), HPMC is a wood pulp derived from the softwood tree species including Pine and Spruce.
Here’s a link to the K-Caps website for more information:
And here’s a link to the Allergen Free certificate:
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2622/1362/files/Allergen_Free_-_K-Caps_-_Capsuline.pdf?v=1656428582 “
“There’s definitely a lot of CBD choices out there, especially now compared to 5 years ago when we first started. It’s quite overwhelming for sure.
How long the 300mg tincture will last, depends on how much you’ll wind up using per dose.
Here’s my CBD journey story that should give you a little more perspective to work off of. I started using our stuff in 2019.
I mainly just use the tincture to help me sleep more than 4 hours a night. I personally like the tinctures because it allows the flexibility of finding what dose works best, as everyone has different sensitivities to CBD. With the capsules, you’re locked into a particular dose amount, but some people like that.
I started out by using 5mg. CBD of the tincture before bed, and after a few nights I didn’t notice a difference. I then went up to 10mg. and was still on the fence about it. So I tried 15mg. before bed for a few days and started noticing I was sleeping longer, and started having dreams again too! I decided to go up to 20mg. and that’s where I’ve settled at for the last 3 and a half years now. So I personally use the 1200mg strength, and do half of a dropper full to get a 20mg dose.
If I were to use the 300mg tincture at a 20mg dose each night, a bottle would last me 15 nights (300 divided by 20 = 15).
However, if I were to use 10mg CBD dose a night, then the 300mg tincture would last me 30 nights (300 divided by 10 = 30).
We always suggest starting out with a lower dose and then graduate up as needed, since everyone will experience it a little differently sensitivity wise. Plus there’s no sense taking more than you need to right.
So to sum it up, it’ll take a little experimenting in the beginning to find what works for you personally.
Since all of our products are Full Spectrum, there is a small amount of THC present. Not enough to get you high (perhaps quite relaxed though), but it could however trigger a positive result on a drug test. So I’m just gonna throw that out there.
All of our products are totally gluten free “
“We have a few types of topical products – salve/balms, lotions, and roll-ons.
Our salve/balm tends to be a little greasy, so for hands it’ll probably get everything you touch a little oily (unless you wipe it off, but then it won’t be absorbed as much, which kind of defeats the purpose), but it’s great for pretty much everywhere else. Our roll-ons do the same.
So about 2 years ago (after numerous requests), I created our lotion line, from scratch using minimal ingredients as necessary. It’s essentially the same strength/concentration of CBD as our salves, however it’s waaay less oily residue lingering and quick absorbing (since it’s more water based).
So for hands in particular, the lotion may be the wisest option from a practicality standpoint. It can certainly be used anywhere on the body as well.
Here’s a link to our topical products, if you want to read more about them in the product descriptions:
https://vermontpurecbd.com/our-products/#external “
“For sure! We’ve had a few people tell us that they’ve used CBD for their cats. I honestly can’t recall for what ailments though, I believe one was an older cat with mobility issues. I just remember asking what dose/amount they were administering, and it being on the lower side – 2 or 3mg. CBD from a tincture. They put the drops right on their cats food”
“When the oil is all the way up to the 1.0 ML line, there is about 45 individual drops (give or take a drop). This goes for all of our tinctures.
For example, a 300mg Tincture has 0.222 mg CBD per individual drop. If I wanted to take 5 mg CBD from it I would take (23 individual drops x 0.222 = 5.1) or half a dropper full (up to the 0.5 ML line).”
“Speaking for our products, as long as they have the tops/lids snugly on and are out of direct sunlight and prolonged temperatures above 400 degrees, technically hundreds of years with almost no loss in potency. The CBD is locked in there
The oil of the tincture and the oils & waxes in the salve are amazing preservatives in and of themselves. The tinctures over time will become a little bitter tasting as the chlorophyll in our Full Spectrum CBD Oil naturally breaks down, but that’s pretty much it.”
The Vermont Pure CBD Tincture Dose Chart
You’ll find below our CBD Tincture Dosing Chart that we created to help our customers interpret and visualize how much CBD they are taking or want to take.
– The left vertical green oval indicates the strength or concentration of our 7 Tincture options.
– The bottom horizontal green oval depicts the amount of CBD, in milligrams (mg.), that one would ingest according to the intersecting box between the “Strength of Tincture” and “Size of Dose“.
For example, I would like to take 15mg. of CBD and I have a 600mg. strength Tincture. I look at the left column and find “600 mg.” (third box down from the top). Now I look at the bottom row and find the “15 mg.” dose. When I follow the “15 mg.” column upwards an see where it intersects with the “600 mg.” strength row – that box indicates how much of the Tincture I need to take. In this particular case, its the “.75 ML” line on the glass pipette of the dropper assembly, as we say around here “three-quarters a dropper full”.
*When we say “dropper”, we’re referring to the glass pipette that dispenses the “drops”.
This chart is included on each of our Tincture product pages, with that specific Tincture strength indicated for your reference
*Please note: this chart is specifically accurate for Vermont Pure CBD Tinctures (as we made it our-self). Other CBD manufacturers, may and probably have other CBD bottle concentrations and dropper sizes, therefore it wouldn’t be accurate.